About Us
NOVEL Chemicals is a chemical cleaning company, founded in 1993 by Chemical Engineer Diamantis Daglas. In 2002, it was transferred to new facilities of 1300 sq.m. in the Industrial Area of Sindos Thessaloniki. Today the company produces over 25 product groups and a total of 140 codes, covering a wide range of professional and household needs. In the last three years, Novel has successfully launched 24 new product codes. The company’s products cover the whole spectrum of the Greek market. Novel is constantly upgrading and since the beginning of 2013 the implementation of an investment program for modernization of buildings has begun. The management of the company nurtures team spirit through the policy of participatory management in decision making, while at the same time enhancing the accountability and confidence of its human resources. Our company faces the challenges of the market with determination, flexibility and boldness. It draws its strength through the high motivation of its human resources and expertise in the production of cleaning products. In addition, Novel has shown exceptional ability to create innovative high value added products. These virtues have provided the company with a steady and dynamic growth path. Novel treats its suppliers with due respect for its obligations to them.